
Tuesday 1 August 2017

Football skills

Did you know that football is a really famous sport. Well some of the children already knew how to play it but for those people who didn’t knew how to play. They kicked other people legs.(and it hurts) These are the list of skills the I learned.

  1. Dribbling
  2. Pass
  3. Attack
  4. Defend
  5. Inside foot
  6. Outside foot

At first we started with dribbling. After dribbling we played a game. We got into four teams of orange, green, yellow and black. In our game we had yellow versus black and after the game we found out the it was a tie game. Then the second game was orange versus green the score of that game was 2-1 to green.

If I had to compare football other sport. I would stills go for football because football is one of my favourite sports. If I wasn’t allowed to pick football then I would go for rugby.

There laughters after the game. Room 8 is ready for some more football.(I think because I am)


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